art consultant, curator, educator

What do
I Do?
I curate exhibitions, educational programs, creative interdisciplinary laboratories, and any types of special projects in the cultural field.

I educate A LOT, and, oh boy, I'm good at it! Hours and hours of lectures and public talks in front of almost any type of audience you can imagine.

I provide art consulting services and art therapy sessions.
As an art consultant, I work with artists and professionals of different backgrounds to make their art-inspired path smoothier (preferably, mango flavoured). I go along with businesses and NGOs in implementing creative practice and artistic vision in their corporate culture.
Art&science and technology-based art is where I shine. Futures thinking and futures studies is where I find and give hope.
If you need any assistance with curatorial practice and educational program design, I'd be happy to collaborate and share my knowledge

Art consulting

  • create together with you the artists’ materials – artist statement, CV, portfolio, professional bio, website
  • provide feedback on the ‘artists pack’ that you already have
  • curatorial assistance to frame and conceptualise your ideas (I’m happy to jump on the project from its earliest stages to the latest)
  • supervision of your artistic career

Art Professionals

  • the first aid in the situation ’I wanna be an artist and don’t know where to start’ – I often meet people with this request, and I’d be happy to navigate your journey from the very beginning (no matter what the background is)
  • art collection assistance
  • individual guidance in your 'getting to know some artsy stuff' journey
  • creative community development
Art Lovers & to-be Artists
  • art-based learning for business tasks
  • creative thinking and conceptual thinking as part of corporate education
  • assistance in corporate art collection
  • facilitation of creative sessions and corporate programs
I want all of us to have only those limits which we'd like to have. I want to embrace every living creature (including myself) as they are.
power of collaboration
I believe that every human being is creative. Sometimes one just needs a right person to navigate through the sea of arts. I'm here to be your guiding star.
creative potential
Interdisciplinary approach, intercultural understanding, friendly attitude to each other. My superpower is that I can find a way to communicate with different people and help them understand one another.
Social responsibility – kindness as an action is necessary, compassion is the new black (and you might notice that I looove black!). Professional responsibility – I'm careful with deadlines and always get things done.
Olga is a beautiful personality, who is able to inspire people. I saw many times how she ignites the sparkle in different (and sometimes not-really-into-arts) people with her passion to art&science, generously sharing her knowledge. I invited Olga as a guest speaker and a facilitator at the corporate programs for leading companies (Nissan, MTS, X5 Group, etc) whenever we needed an 'out of the box' thinking. She is an experienced public speaker, it's always a pleasure to listen to Olga giving a speech in front of the audience with all the stories and jokes interwoven in them.
Elena Chernikova
CEO and founder
I know Olga through the Next Generation Foresight Practitioners award. I believe that people who work with futures have similar qualities: open-mind, ability to build bridges, passion, creativity, and critical thinking. Olga possesses all these characteristics in spades.
Cat Tully
School of International Futures
Olga is an excellent educator. I find it amazing how she’s able to explain complex things about art per se or interconnection between art and science to any type of audience: teenagers, tech guys, and the general public. All of them not only understand Olga’s thoughts and ideas but also visibly enjoy her style and appreciate deep knowledge of the subject. As a person, Olga demonstrates very rare – and very powerful – combination of profound academic professionalism and friendly, open-minded, and joyful attitude towards the world and people. For an educator, this is a blessing.
Andrey Sebrant
head of Strategic Marketing
I could say a lot about Olga as she is indeed an outstanding expert. But there's one thing I'm especially thankful for – it is my artistic website. She influenced a lot the way I communicate myself as an artist, explaining how means of self-presentation help enhance contemporary artist's career. Her advice on building my portfolio was truly useful. As a curator, she is able to inspire artists to do even the boring but necessary part. And one more thing – Olga's sense of humor and optimism are her true superpower.
Daria Gofman
Olga is an excellent educator. I find it amazing how she’s able to explain complex things about art per se or interconnection between art and science to any type of audience: teenagers, tech guys, and the general public. All of them not only understand Olga’s thoughts and ideas but also visibly enjoy her style and appreciate deep knowledge of the subject. As a person, Olga demonstrates very rare – and very powerful – combination of profound academic professionalism and friendly, open-minded, and joyful attitude towards the world and people. For an educator, this is a blessing.
Andrey Sebrant
head of Strategic Marketing
I could say a lot about Olga as she is indeed an outstanding expert. But there's one thing I'm especially thankful for – it is my artistic website. She influenced a lot the way I communicate myself as an artist, explaining how means of self-presentation help enhance contemporary artist's career. Her advice on building my portfolio was truly useful. As a curator, she is able to inspire artists to do even the boring but necessary part. And one more thing – Olga's sense of humor and optimism are her true superpower.
Daria Gofman
I know Olga through the Next Generation Foresight Practitioners award. I believe that people who work with futures have similar qualities: open-mind, ability to build bridges, passion, creativity, and critical thinking. Olga possesses all these characteristics in spades.
Cat Tully
School of International Futures
Olga is a beautiful personality, who is able to inspire people. I saw many times how she ignites the sparkle in different (and sometimes not-really-into-arts) people with her passion to art&science, generously sharing her knowledge. I invited Olga as a guest speaker and a facilitator at the corporate programs for leading companies (Nissan, MTS, X5 Group, etc) whenever we needed an 'out of the box' thinking. She is an experienced public speaker, it's always a pleasure to listen to Olga giving a speech in front of the audience with all the stories and jokes interwoven in them.
Elena Chernikova
CEO and founder
About me
PhD in cultural studies, art&science and technology-based expert, curator, art historian, art consultant, educator, futurist. Associate professor at ITMO University. TEDx speaker, Next Generation Foresight Practitioners fellow and judge, Artpool Curators community member.

10 exhibitions curated, 30+ educational programs designed, 430+ hours of lectures and public talks given in 20+ cities and at international online events.

Working with communities of arts and culture professionals, science and tech guys, futurists; teenagers and students; business companies and corporate trainings; general public and wider audience.
Key Previous Experience
  • Founder and curator of VZOR Lab
  • Head of the ‘Management in the Creative Arts’ Bachelor Program at Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (official academic partner – Manchester University, United Kingdom)
  • Deputy Head of Artistic and Interdisciplinary Programs Department at National Centre for Contemporary Arts (Moscow)
  • Gallery Spaces Coordinator at Ars Electronica (Austria)
  • Art Manager at Biennial of Contemporary Art
  • Coordinator of the Parallel Program at Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art
School of Education | Learning Experience Design
School of International Futures (United Kingdom) | Strategic Foresight
Russian State University for the Humanities | Cultural Studies, PhD
Ural Federal University | Art History, Specialist | Diploma with Honors, Oxford Fund Fellow
Ural Federal University | Art Sphere Interpreter, Further Training
  • Author of the ‘Conceptual Thinking’ method
  • Leading expert in creative interdisciplinary laboratories
  • Podcasts, radio, TV, print and online media guest
  • 13 times jury member and judge for arts&culture and futures programs
  • Community-lead of the community for creative professionals of 4000+ members
  • Distinguished Art Professional award
About me
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